The Little Box Things

What is the The Little Box!?

Hey there! Somehow you have found your way onto my Little Box on the internet.
My name is CloudKat and there is more about me on the Who Am I page as I am sure you can figure out. You however, are curious as to what the heck is The Little Box Things. ?!

I am here to answer just that. You see, I like keeping track of what happens around me, one way or another. Currently as I have found myself living in a box flat (pun entirely intended), my amount of space is limited. Knowing this information, I can’t have dozens of different notebooks all over the place, gathering dust and taking up space as I use them as journals/ scrapbooks/ calendars/ art books and honestly anything else you can think of. I am a little bit of an addict when it comes to stationary. Every little piece tells a story in my book (collection *ahem*).
Because of this predicament however, I decided to start writing things out in a blog. To keep them all nicely gathered up in one place (ish).

The *ish* part of that sentence is simply because I have the habit of posting all sorts of things in all kinds of places. Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, you get the idea.

None of the above mentioned really work for a proper “journal” type if you would. Twitter is great for random thoughts, ideas, and overall, spur of the moment things.

Tumblr is where all the fandoms and obsessions, communities, speculations happen and will forever have a dear place in my heart as it was my main source of life growing up. My only regret has been deleting my original tumblr blog. *sigh* We live and we learn however.

Instagram, I won’t lie to you, I get it but my main usage for it is to stalk all of the cute pets. Can’t find cuter kitten and pupper pics anywhere.

TikTok is a bit of a new one and a very on and off situation for me. It’s fun but sometimes it’s more effort than it’s worth.

Last but definitely not least, Pinterest, i can’t begin to even tell you how many boards and collections I have made there, the organisation has a whole new meaning on that platform for me.

I have some others here and there but they aren’t worth mentioning much. I have a YT channel that is empty, a twitch channel that I do not use. Facebook is well… kinda just dead to me. I don’t see the appeal. Snapchat is purely personal and as for Reddit, i am not too active besides scrolling but i’m getting used to it. That more or less covers all social media that I can currently think of. If you are curious about more, don’t worry to ask.

Now back on topic! Because of the reason that I am living in a box flat, i decided to start a blog for my “journaling” purposes. However, every decent blog needs a decent theme. For the creation of the “Little Box Things” I took inspiration from both my current living predicaments (i don’t hate my flat, i actually quite like it don’t get me wrong; it is however, a box) and from my childhood pet cats. I have had 2 pet cats growing up and both of them had the habit of making boxes from deliveries their own little secret storage spaces. It didn’t matter if they had a 50€ fancy cat bed, the box was better. That and sometimes my face but maybe they were trying to suffocate me…

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Either way, those boxes were a wondrous place to explore. Just like Pandora’s Box (one of my fav myths may I add). You may think it was full of their toys, maybe some food, fur-balls and that’s it. While yes, they did have all of those things, I have personally also found my mom’s jewellery in there, as well as a fresh corpse. Those little murderers. Making me so proud :3

The point I’m making is simply that those boxes always had something completely unexpected, odd and interesting to discover inside and that is what I would like to make this Box feel like. It’s always a mystery what will be in a cats’ box. There will be some random posts about daily activities and doings, pictures, art, games, movies, series, chatter. Just the little things.

The Little Box Things.
